Home Theatre Super No.1 Model S 6802E

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How to choose a home theater and take into account all the important characteristics
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It so happened that yesterday I talked about soundbars, and decided to write about home theaters at the same time. Look for material in previous issues about the correct placement of speakers in the room, and today I will share how to choose a good home theater and what technical characteristics you should look at and what is generally hidden under the concept of "go Home Theatre Super No.1 Model S 6802E od".
Sudden turn. It seems like everyone already knows how a home theater differs from an ordinary TV, but still I will clarify. There are two types: prefabricated, when each speaker is purchased separately, and in a box.
If the first type is chosen by gourmet collectors (there are few of them), then the second is the most common, it is used by mere mortals. I will not dwell on the national team in detail, I will only say that for it you need to be very good at technology and study the passport of the goods with a magnifying glass - there is a high probability of purchasing equipment that is incompatible with each other.
But I will disassemble the box one by the bones. Obviously, this is a complete system, just place the speakers and turn on the TV. What it consists of:
Each manufacturer decides in its own way what and where will be built in, what can be abandoned and why. However, this composition is accepted as standard and my colleagues also adhere to this axiom in their reviews.
As you may have guessed, in order to understand which of the many home theaters to choose after all, you need to consider every detail in the box. I'll start with the selection of the player.
Red pill or blue? This is the question to ask when choosing DVD or Blu-Ray. DVD records information with infrared ray, Blu-ray uses blue.
How does this affect quality? - the first technology had time to meet with dinosaurs, but it did not get any worse. DVD discs are easy to find (still!), But Blu-Ray technology is relatively new, and you will have to search for a disc of this format.



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