Tripod For Android

Summer is steadily approaching, which means that the time for vacations, trips to interesting places and, of course, to the sea, will soon begin. During this period, selfie sticks will again become popular, which cunning merchants will offer in all tourist places at three / five / ten times their real price. However, the stick is not the same. If we are talking about a no-name-Chinese handicraft, then it is not a pity to buy this for one season, then to throw it away without regret. But such sticks have more disadvantages than advantages, the main of which is low reliability. Therefore, if you often have to use such accessories, you should take a closer look at better quality options that will not bend like a spinning rod, during use and from whose mounts the phone will not fall out at the most inopportune moment. Today I have two similar accessories on the test from competing companies, Xiaomi and Huawei. They have both clear similarities and differences that can influence the choice. Both "sticks" are supplied in similar white boxes, which bear a picture of the device, as well as a brief instruction for  Tripod For Android use, a description of the capabilities and characteristics. Inside the boxes are the devices themselves in a white soft bag, a couple of brochures and Bluetooth remote controls. That is, in fact, everything that is inside the boxes of both devices. As mentioned above, both sticks are equipped with Bluetooth remote controls that allow you to take photos remotely. This option for the implementation of the shooting process seems to me more convenient. Firstly, due to the fact that you can press the button separately from the stick, and this saves the final frame from possible blurring due to the movement of the hand and the shake of the phone while pressing the button. Secondly, it is also justified by the additional possibility of using a selfie stick as a tripod. It is for this reason that such an option with a remote control is necessary in this case. For Huawei, the remote is immediately installed in a special recess on the stick, while for Xiaomi it is in a separate box inside the box. The first thing that catches your eye is the protective sticker on the Huawei remote, which must be removed before use. This sticker insulates the battery inside the remote, as is usual with new watches. This is one of the important differences - the Xiaomi remote has a built-in 55 mAh battery and a MicroUSB connector for charging it (no cable included), while Huawei has a standard CR2025 flat battery. It's hard to say which option is better. On the one hand, the battery is more convenient because you do not need to have a supply of batteries - you can even charge the remote control from your phone. On the other hand, if such a remote control ceases to show signs of life, it will be more difficult to understand the malfunction. I like the version with a battery more - it's more convenient. However, the Huawei remote is attached to the "stick" not only mechanically (rubber lodgment), but also on a magnet, which makes this option more reliable than just a mechanical one from Xiaomi.


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