Airforce 1

MILITARY AIR FORCES (VVS), a type of armed forces (AF) designed to repel aggression in aerospace. sphere and protection from air strikes adm.-polit. centers, industrial-economic. areas, important facilities of the country and groupings of troops (forces), as well as for the destruction of enemy targets and troops using both conventional and nuclear weapons, and to support combat operations of troops (forces) of other branches and arms of the Armed Forces. The world's first four-engine aircraft "Russian Knight" (1913). Sov. The Air Force was created together with the Red Army. Dec. 1917 as part of the People's Commissariat for Military. affairs was established by Vseros. Board of Management Air. Fleet of the Republic. The transition to the construction of regular air forces began in 1918; on May 24, Ch. management of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Military.-Vozd. Fleet, and in September - the Field Directorate of Aviation and Aeronautics of the Field Army. By Nov. 1918 as part of the Sov. The Air Force was 38, and by December. 19 Airforce 1 20 - 83 air squadrons (including 18 naval ones). On the fronts of the Civil. During the war of 1917–22, up to 350 Sov. aircraft. In the postwar years, simultaneously with the quantitative and qualitative growth of the Air Force, their organization was improved. structure. Red Military-Air. The fleet in 1924 was transformed into the Red Army Air Force, which in 1932 received the status of independent. kind of troops and consisted of military aviation (as part of combined-arms corps), army (as part of combined-arms armies) and front-line (VVS VO). In May 1932 they were formalized as independent. branch of the Air Defense Forces, and in 1933 - heavy bomber aviation as a means of the High Command. In 1938 Sov. naval aviation was withdrawn from the Air Force and became one of the branches of the fleet. In 1936–38, operational aviation was created as part of the Air Force. associations - three special-purpose armies of mixed composition, intended for decisions are independent. operational and strategic. tasks in the theater of operations, but in 1940 they were disbanded and long-range bomber aviation was created on their basis. hulls of a homogeneous composition. In 1937–38, air defense corps were formed for the air defense of Moscow, Leningrad and Baku, an air defense division for Kiev, and an air defense brigade for other large cities. In the 1930s. a powerful air force was built in the country. prom-st. In 1940–41, the serial production of new Yak-1, MiG-3, LaGG-3 fighters, Pe-2 bombers and Il-2 attack aircraft was mastered. Only for 1940 and the 1st half. 1941 was released by St. 12 thousand combat aircraft. However, re-equip the owls. Air Force for new types of aircraft before the start of the Vel. Otech. the war failed. The units of the Air Defense Forces received 76-mm, 85-mm and 37-mm semi-automatic anti-aircraft. cannons, searchlight stations, barrage balloons, radars RUS-1, RUS-2 and other equipment. But on the whole, the combat readiness of the Red Army Air Force did not meet the requirements of that period. On 2/25/1941, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted a resolution "On the reorganization of the aviation forces of the Red Army." Started Vel. Otech. The war did not allow the planned activities to be completed, but the foundation was laid, which made it possible to recreate the Air Force after the severe defeats of the initial period of the war. Multipurpose aircraft Su-2 (1940, USSR). By the beginning of World War II, Germany as part of its Air Force had approx. 4.1 thousand, Italy - St. 2.8 thousand, Japan - approx. 3.8 thousand, Great Britain - approx. 3.9 thousand, France - St. 3.3 thousand, USA - approx. 1.6 thousand combat aircraft. Aviation was created as part of the air forces of a number of countries. associations capable of solving operational-strategic. tasks. In Germany, such associations were 5 air. fleets, each of which included 800-1200 airplanes decomp. types of aviation and was intended to perform combat missions in cooperation with an army group and independently. Over the years led. Otech. wars of owls. The Air Force was fundamentally reorganized. By decision of the Headquarters of the Supreme Command (VGK) on June 29, 1941, the post of Air Force Commander was established - deputy. People's Commissar of Defense, created by the Military. Air Force Council. Measures have been ta


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